125 years ago today: the invention of basketball and the Canadian participants in the first ever basketball game — Library and Archives Canada Blog

By Normand Laplante December 21, 2016 marks the 125th anniversary of the invention of basketball by Canadian James Naismith and of the first game ever played. In the fall of 1891, Naismith was studying to become a YMCA physical education instructor at the International YMCA Training Institute in Springfield, Massachusetts. He was given the task […]

via 125 years ago today: the invention of basketball and the Canadian participants in the first ever basketball game — Library and Archives Canada Blog

The Versatile Blogger Award!

The Versatile Blogger Award!


Big shout out goes to Coffee.Read.Review.Repeat for winning the Versatile Blogger Award and then generously nominating everyone.

I am accepting the generous offer and award, positive thinking and following in her kindness by nominating all of my followers. My follower who like, comment, and read my post mean so much to me each and every day. You make me want to write. You make me remember that I have a voice too and that I can use my voice. You make me smile with your kind words and hopefully we are inspiring each other by being mindful of our thoughts and words each day. You guys rock. Namaste.

Here goes….

Here are the Rules:

  1. Show the award on your blog
  2. Thank the person that has nominated you
  3. Share 7 different facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 15 blogs of your choice
  5. Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination

Seven different facts about myself

  1. I was originally going to start a blog about being diagnosis with cancer and an autoimmune disease. However, since I live that life daily, with chemo and 2 to 3 doctor appointments and testing a week I did not want to come home and relive it. Wasn’t ready to face my emotions of the day, needed a positive escape. Thankfully am getting better at accepting where I am at today as this journey/battle continues.
  2. I let fear stop me from starting a blog. Came up with numerous reasons that I couldn’t: didn’t know how, what would the name be (still want to change my name to Mindful Living but not sure how), what would I write, who would care, and so forth. So often we can talk ourselves out of things. It is the starting that is the hardest, once you begin you realize that the water is fine and to keep swimming.
  3. I am an elementary school teacher. I have taught primary and junior grades and love working with children. There is something magical when you get to witness a child learning to read or tackling something they thought they couldn’t do and the smile on their face. Yes there are many challenges and way too much politics in education but for those moments they make your heart happy.
  4. I love, love being an aunt. I get to be silly, playful, give gifts, listen to their stories, and their I love you Auntie. I am the aunt that loves to play with them and hope to one day be buying a very large drum set and anything else they may want but parents don’t (kidding kind of). I hope I am someone who they know loves them unconditionally and will always be there for them. I hope they can and will come to me in the future to talk, hang out, or for any reason.
  5. I have numerous ideas all the time about many things running through my head. I watch something, see something and think I want to do that and for some reason believe I can. Thankfully it has not extended as far as the Olympics with all of the watching I have been doing these past few days, no desire to jump into sand, swim in open water, or box with someone. But I do like learning and trying new things. I once rented a violin thinking I could just learn to play, to the relief of people around me I quickly discovered that it was not for me. I did start a Facebook page and have been diligently posting every day inspirational quotes for months now. If I hate it I leave and don’t do it again. If I love it and it helps others I’m in.  I am trying to get the ideas into motion lately with being sick, mindfulness of where I am at helps.
  6. In my place you will always find coffee/tea, cereal and many many books, plus a variety of art projects.

Nominations: Everyone who follows me you make my day brighter. Link it back to me so I can read and learn about you too

Facebook page: BeInspiredBeCreativeBeYou

*anyone know how to link to others? Do I copy and paste?

These awards are fun and a great way to get to know this awesome community of bloggers.