

‘Write For Rights’ is an annual campaign launched twelve years ago by the British non-governmental organization Amnesty International which advocates for human rights all around the world. It aims at bringing justice by contacting political leaders and prisoners jailed for speaking out. It consists in a one-month (December) letter-writing marathon

Write for Rights 2014 stampduring which people pen letters to both party. You are encouraged to choose at least two people to write to by the means you prefer such as social media, a blog or a letter, and to get in touch with a leader that can help them out (you can find templates for letters to governments here). Over the years, releases have been made possible thank to the pressure put by citizens around the world through their letters. This experience also enables to put human connection at the center of our interest.

So let’s go, share away your letters!

You can find more details about the campaign here.


An interesting campaign by Amnesty International to raise awareness and encourage citizens to become more politically involved in their countries.

Who would you write a letter too?

I am  still deciding so stay tuned.

To read Giulia’s letter to Edward Snowden check out her page The Highheeled Papergirl

The Versatile Blogger Award!

The Versatile Blogger Award!


Big shout out goes to Coffee.Read.Review.Repeat for winning the Versatile Blogger Award and then generously nominating everyone.

I am accepting the generous offer and award, positive thinking and following in her kindness by nominating all of my followers. My follower who like, comment, and read my post mean so much to me each and every day. You make me want to write. You make me remember that I have a voice too and that I can use my voice. You make me smile with your kind words and hopefully we are inspiring each other by being mindful of our thoughts and words each day. You guys rock. Namaste.

Here goes….

Here are the Rules:

  1. Show the award on your blog
  2. Thank the person that has nominated you
  3. Share 7 different facts about yourself
  4. Nominate 15 blogs of your choice
  5. Link your nominees and let them know of your nomination

Seven different facts about myself

  1. I was originally going to start a blog about being diagnosis with cancer and an autoimmune disease. However, since I live that life daily, with chemo and 2 to 3 doctor appointments and testing a week I did not want to come home and relive it. Wasn’t ready to face my emotions of the day, needed a positive escape. Thankfully am getting better at accepting where I am at today as this journey/battle continues.
  2. I let fear stop me from starting a blog. Came up with numerous reasons that I couldn’t: didn’t know how, what would the name be (still want to change my name to Mindful Living but not sure how), what would I write, who would care, and so forth. So often we can talk ourselves out of things. It is the starting that is the hardest, once you begin you realize that the water is fine and to keep swimming.
  3. I am an elementary school teacher. I have taught primary and junior grades and love working with children. There is something magical when you get to witness a child learning to read or tackling something they thought they couldn’t do and the smile on their face. Yes there are many challenges and way too much politics in education but for those moments they make your heart happy.
  4. I love, love being an aunt. I get to be silly, playful, give gifts, listen to their stories, and their I love you Auntie. I am the aunt that loves to play with them and hope to one day be buying a very large drum set and anything else they may want but parents don’t (kidding kind of). I hope I am someone who they know loves them unconditionally and will always be there for them. I hope they can and will come to me in the future to talk, hang out, or for any reason.
  5. I have numerous ideas all the time about many things running through my head. I watch something, see something and think I want to do that and for some reason believe I can. Thankfully it has not extended as far as the Olympics with all of the watching I have been doing these past few days, no desire to jump into sand, swim in open water, or box with someone. But I do like learning and trying new things. I once rented a violin thinking I could just learn to play, to the relief of people around me I quickly discovered that it was not for me. I did start a Facebook page and have been diligently posting every day inspirational quotes for months now. If I hate it I leave and don’t do it again. If I love it and it helps others I’m in.  I am trying to get the ideas into motion lately with being sick, mindfulness of where I am at helps.
  6. In my place you will always find coffee/tea, cereal and many many books, plus a variety of art projects.

Nominations: Everyone who follows me you make my day brighter. Link it back to me so I can read and learn about you too

Facebook page: BeInspiredBeCreativeBeYou

*anyone know how to link to others? Do I copy and paste?

These awards are fun and a great way to get to know this awesome community of bloggers.

How Blogging helped me to ace my University course

How Blogging helped me to ace my

University course



I have been absent from the blogging world for the past few weeks because of a University course I have been taking. The course was a lot more intensive (should have clued in that it would be with the course description being ‘an intensive course) still I was surprised by the amount of reading, responding and essay writing.

I have taken online University courses in the past and always found them gruelling as well. You are expected to read numerous articles a day, write reviews, retells and reflections on each article, plus respond to your classmates’ reviews.

This experience, while still stressful and all-consuming was different in a good unique way. I was able to form my thoughts and responses more quickly. I could skim read the articles, sorry Prof yes I did skim read some of them, to all me to complete the work more efficiently and use my time in a more productive way.

Blogging assisted me in this.

With Blogging you write off of the cuff, you need to have an idea, an opinion and be able to express that idea on a weekly basis. Plus read (skim sometimes) and respond to other blogs and comments.

By utilizing my blogging skills that I developed over the past few months I was more prepared to tackle and ace my University course. Of course when I started blogging I never imagined that it would factor into other areas of my life but I am defiantly thankful it has.

There are so many benefits to starting and writing a blog. I am just beginning to realize some of them and know there are many more.

How has blogging been beneficial to you?

p.s. Am happy to be back in the blogging world ♥

Check out The Toronto Novel Marathon!

Check out The Toronto Novel Marathon!

It is a writing competition held for 72 hours in downtown Toronto, July 29- August 1st.

We have room for a few more writers.
Go to torontonovelmarathon.ca for more information and to register online
This event looks like fun. I have never written for 72 hours with others, I wonder if I would be inspired or stick to solitary writing? Would be a cool experience to try. Defiantly get some great new ideas, meet new people and hopefully be able to share your own writing.
If anyone goes would love to hear all about it.

Dear Eve: It’s You not Me



Dear Eve,

For a few months there has been this woman at my work who keeps challenging everything I say, making snide comments about and to me and pretty much has me all riled up every time I walk into a room and see her. I tell myself to just ignore her but she purposely put herself in my path and then goes off on a rant or back handed compliments.

I thought it was just me she was like this with, it wasn’t until recently when members from each department got together for a meeting when I learned that it wasn’t just me. She was there and was her usual abrasive self, she had to leave early, we were all grateful she did. At the end of the meeting, the other woman started talking saying how she was kicked off of another committee for her behavior. One even said that they would not participate if she was on the committee.

I felt bad and awkward discussing her behind her back but also relieved that others had the same impression of her as I did.

Was it wrong for us to discuss her? She is being asked not to come back.

From: It’s You, not Me

Dear It’s You, not Me,

Everyone has someone in their work place, on teams, in groups and so forth that are loud, abrasive and argumentative. It can defiantly affect your stress level and make the group you are in unbearable.

I am happy for you that you do not have to deal with her any more. I am happy that the other woman spoke up and said, no, I can’t deal with her again.

I don’t see it as gossiping. More of having a discussion about managing the group and dealing with harassment and a bully. You said she had been kicked out of other groups, so this is not unusual behavior, it is sad for her that she did not learn the first time.

What strikes me is how you thought that you had done something wrong. That there was something wrong with you to make her treat you that way. A better question than if it was o.k. for you guys to discussing her is, why are you placing the blame on yourself? The only way you ‘allowed’ yourself to put the blame where it belonged, on the bully, was when others validated your experiences.

Remember you are stronger than you think. You have a right to not be harassed, called names, and discriminated against.

Next time, because there will be a next time there always is no matter where you go in life there will be someone who rubs you the wrong way or is just plain spiteful and mean, next time, don’t point the finger at yourself rather pull your shoulder back, head high and think and say, ‘no this is not o.k., I don’t have to be treated this way’

Thank you for writing in, please remember to be kind to yourself and expect the same from others.


Namaste 🙂

*Write to Eve for advice and/or add your thoughts to the advice column.

I’m not bulletproof



I’m not bulletproof

I hear you, I see you looking at me.

Just because I am not responding, does not mean I can’t hear, see and feel the sharp, nasty words and looks thrown my way.

Just because I am not crying, does not mean I am bulletproof and your words and stares do not hurt me.

Just because I am not cowering in the corner in shame does not mean I do not want to or know you think I should

Just because I am not yelling and screaming while you spit hatered and judgement at me doesn’t mean the small strong voice in me is not cursing you.

Just because I am different than you, does not mean I am less than you.

I hear you and I see you and while you wonder how I can be holding my head high, I wonder why you are holding yours so high.



Writing for the Health of It

Writing ideas to get you started




Writer’s block, no time, stressed, out of ideas? We have all been there many times no matter what style or genre we are writing about.


Best tip I have been given: just write. Don’t think, don’t edit, don’t censor yourself just write. Free writing for 10 minutes or more can allow your creative ideas to flow, whether you use the writing for something doesn’t matter, just write and see where it takes you.


Below is some ideas to get your ideas following.

  1. Write about what you know and like. If your interested so will your readers
  2. Write about an experience you had during the day, can just be a regular day, try to draw out the events, emotions, conversations surrounding it
  3. Write about something that is bothing you. Is cathertic and gives you a new perspective
  4. Write about an event from your childhood, happy, sad, up to you
  5. Write about what you have learned from your parents. Can help you see them from a different view point and gain perspective on them a people
  6. Write about a picture in your place. Why do you have that picture? This could become a short story as you weave the details behind the picture.
  7. Write about something that made you laugh.
  8. Write about something that made you cry
  9. Write about a friend: can be a close friend or maybe one who you lost touch with
  10. Write a letter to your past self what would you tell yourself?
  11. Write a letter to your future self what would you tell yourself? You can see you dreams and goals before you.
  12. Write about an event in your life that was life changing.
  13. Write about an event in your life and than change it, change the ending, change the place, people. What would happen differenlty?
  14. Write an opinion piece about something you read or heard in the media
  15. Write about your favorite show why do you like it? Why should others?
  16. Write a reivew about a book or movie you saw
  17. What is one thing you learned in school you wish others to know?
  18. Why do you like to write? Be personal, what does it mean to you, how does it contribute and enhance your life?
  19. Paper books or electronic?
  20. Your view on technology, pro and con
  21. What does it mean to be healthy?
  22. Reality tv, pro or con?
  23. Favorite holiday, season, time of the day, anything explain leading the reader on a path of exploring your view on a universal occasion and what it means to you
  24. Tips or advice articles
  25. Take a book you have read, change one thing the setting, characters, plot, ending.
  26. What is one thing you would save in a fire and why?
  27. If you could do anything, no regrets, no penalties, money not an issue what would you do?
  28. How can we help others in our personal circle and in the world
  29. What advice would you give to politicians?
  30. Use a quote to inspire you and write about what you have learned from the quote

Happy Writing! Remember you are doing this for you so have fun and enjoy 🙂

Share if you used any of the ideas, share your writing using the topic on your blog and link back to me or please suggest your own topic. 🙂