Easter Sunday Mass: What I learned: to listen to others with an open mind and heart.

I have been raised a catholic. Attended church, catholic elementary and high school and have been going back to church for the past year or so with my Mom every Sunday. I go to spend time with my Mom, reflect on my week, hear a message of living a kinder life, and count my blessings for others in my life. I do this at home too, yet I really enjoy the community aspect of going to church as well.

I am a firm believer that people are free to believe what they wish too. Practise their faith in their own way. For me I know people who go to church 3 times a week yet are horrible people to be around and I know people who are more spiritual and are the nicest people. If you are nice to me I will be nice to you, regardless of faith, religion or background. I honor the universe, nature, God and spiritual guidance.

So at mass, Easter Sunday Mass which is one of the most holiest times in the Catholic Church, I was very inspired and moved by the priest’s homely.

I was always taught that you were not to question and to have blind faith. Yet I struggle as many do with various aspects of the religion and bible stories recounting events.

While sitting in a packed church at 9:30am, I was surprised when Father Pat began his Easter message. He spoke about watching a t.v. program about a woman who was a pastor turned atheist. Instead of this holy man straight out disregarding her words and turning off the t.v., he sat and listened. Their views are polar opposite yet he had an open mind and heart to listen and learn. He said that the show made him ask himself why he believed what he believed. To question his faith, deepen his faith and understanding.

Question your faith? Ask why do I believe what I believe?

Yes, said Father Pat, ask questions, wherever you are in your faith as questions, seek answers, explore to further understanding.

How inspiring to be told it’s ok to sit in church and not necessarily agree with all aspects of the bible. That what was important was to keep an open mind and heart and continue to learn from others of your faith and who have different views.

In todays society we could really learn from this message. We don’t have to agree with each other, we can agree to disagree as long as we listen to each other with an open mind and than reflect on what we have learned and how it affects us. Very grateful for a priest to stand in front of a large congregation and preach acceptance of others, to be kind to ourselves and to always continue to learn and reflect on our lives.

Why do we believe what we believe? What speaks to you?

What we can learn from Kid’s Competitons

After watching Chopped Kids additions on the Food Network, I sat there with a smile on my face. These brave kids have so much positivity about themselves and for each other. Instead of bringing each other down, as you would see in adult competitions, they offer encouragement and kind words to each other. They are truly grateful to be there. It is refreshing to see children compete in these setting where they are not against one another rather there to gain and demonstrate their experience.

Where does it all change? Why as adults do we often feel the need to bring down others in order to build ourselves up?

So many realities shows primarily feature the adults verbally and physically attacking each other while gossiping behind their backs. I am guilty of watching these shows as well and do understand editing behind the scenes to portray individuals in a certain light, perhaps even encourage them to create drama.

This form of ‘reality’ television has become the norm. Even today’s politics are more of an episode of Housewives than actual political debates on the issues.

We can and should learn from children, not just in this context but in other aspects of our lives. Focus on positivity, building each other up and simply being grateful for the experience we have been given.

Yes, this post simplifies the dynamics and underlying factors in todays society. However, without examining and going into depth about different shows, people, adult vs children. I look at the message of inspiration. I find myself smiling more when watching kid’s competitions, why because they are adorable and when they say ‘its just an honor to be here’ they mean it. It is good to be reminded that it’s the journey not the destination and you don’t have to bring others down to raise yourself up.


Freedom of Expression, how far is too far?

Freedom of Expression

What is Freedom of Expression? According to google: Definition. Right to express one’s ideas and opinions freely through speech, writing, and other forms of communication but without deliberately causing harm to others’ character and/or reputation by false or misleading statements. Freedom of press is part of freedom of expression.

Currently with the rise of social media there have been many debates over one’s freedom of expression. Now a days, everyone is quick to express their ideas on social media, with just one click you can approve or condone something. Judge someone quickly or based on facts. People support based on their views or even convict people before their case is tried in court.

Is there a limit to freedom of expression or should we do away with political correctness and say what we want?

Often I will read an article and than read the comments. I find the comment section to be very interesting as it contains peoples views based on the facts and also based on snap judgement. There is always people arguing with each other, defending their opinion, and condemning others.

Having a variety of opinions should make for a well balanced debate where each person can learn from someone else. Yet, from what I have noticed it can more often than not turn into an argument of ‘well if you don’t agree with me than you are wrong’.

Current examples would be the Oscars controversy, United States election, especially with Donald Trump, refugees, sports scandals and many more. People are being asked what do you think of the Oscars or Trump? Where do you stand on this issue? Many say that they are sick of the world being so ‘PC’ and we should say what we want to say. I agree with this, however the manner in which we express ourselves should be addressed.

As the definition states above, we have the right to express ourselves without harming others. So ‘trolls’ on social media, fist fights at rallies, cheering when someone is called ugly, stupid, waste of time and talentless is considered harming others. Yet, this type of freedom of speech seems to be growing and supported by more people. When did having an opinion translate to insulting or condemning others? Why are people drawn to this? Is there a way to express ourselves without attacking others? Shouldn’t we look for a way?

Bullying is a major concern in schools, workplaces, social media and in our community. Everywhere people are discussing, investigating, training and promoting anti-bullying. Is it hypercritical than, when we are against all forms of bullying yet use social media to critize people and cheer for politicians who frequently resort to school yard name calling.

Why the divide on this issue? Anti-bullying yes, Freedom of speech in any form yes. Where is the line? Should there be one? Or to each their own?

Personally I don’t have a clear simple answer to the questions address here. I have been reading about freedom of expression and noticing the positive impact it can have on individuals and society when someone raises their voice to make a positive change for others. I have also been investigating the negative impact when someone uses their voice to condemn others based on their looks, religion, race, gender and what they wear. We don’t have to agree with each other, healthy debates can be informative and insightful. Name calling, rash judgements of others, condemning others, and more is a line that does not need or should be crossed as it truly serves no purpose other than to incite negativity.

When it comes to ‘Freedom of Expression’ chose to use your voice to create a positive change in the world around you. Ask yourself, would I say this to someone if they were standing in front of me? Would I want to be spoken to this way? There are many ways to express ourselves, we choose how we want our voices to be heard. Choose wisely.